Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation

Trading address:
Fish Market Building
The Harbour
BT34 4AX
Business, Farming

The Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) provide a range of services to Northern Ireland's fishermen ever since. Our specialty is in the area of quota management and representation (and increasingly marketing) for our fishermen. Our members are based in Annalong, Ardglass, Kilkeel and Portavogie, the main fishing harbours along the County Down coast in Northern Ireland. Our organisation is located at Kilkeel.

ANIFPO was founded in 1984, as a non-profit making co-operative. Initially, the ANIFPO was based in England, hence the inclusion of “Anglo” in its title, but since most of its member fishing vessels were from Northern Ireland, the base was soon moved across the Irish Sea.